365 Days of Play
Its time to start your ultimate year of play!This go-to activity book for kids ages 412 includes 265 pages of games, crafts, recipes, experiments, projects, jokes, songs, guides, skills, tricks, hacks, challenges, and everything else in the canon of kid. Follow the step-by-step instructions and illustrations to create a game wherever you are and with whatever you haveswing a pendulum, launch a parachute, shoot a confetti cannon, or throw a boomerang. Tie a square knot or untangle a human knot. Make an egg you can float, bounce, or keep forever.With an activity for every day of the year, any day is a great day to explore, learn, and create something new!This hardcover package looks stunning on the shelf, toy chest, and coffee table, but will be well loved by kids everywhere.
- Title: 365 Days of Play
- Category:
- ISBN 10:
- ISBN 13: 9781250755889
- Authors:
- Publishers:
PublisherMacmillan USA
- Height:
Height236 mm
- Length:
Length187 mm
- Weight:
Item Weight363 gm
- Width:
Width28 mm
- Number Of Page:
Number Of Pages256
- Availability : In Stock